
Moth Identification
All the photographs that follow are of live moths taken by myself in Tropical Queensland, Australia. The moths are arranged according to the most commonly used taxonomic principles. However, taxonomy is a moving feast, and I have no doubt that further research, particularly with the increasing use of DNA barcoding, will move classifications around as they have been in the past. All the moth families belong to the Order, Lepidoptera, in the Kingdom, Animalia, in the Linnaean system of taxonomy. Initially I try to double-check all the identifications I make and I have had many other enthusiasts, both professional and amateur, who have helped me. Nevertheless, I do, of course, take sole responsibility for any mistakes.
(Note that sometimes no subfamily has been allotted. Note too that where the species is indicated as sp. it means that while it is safe to identify the genus from a photograph, it is guessing to assign the moth as a definitive species. Note too that some moths although identified as a separate species have yet to be 'described'. For example in the Lacturidae family Eustixis sp. ANIC4 means that the specimen from whichI have gained my identification is held in the Australian National Insect Collection but has not been described and given a species name.)
If you have any queries please feel free to email me at: info@leapfrogoz.com.au
To access a Moth Family click on the appropriate image.